The Communication Privacy Management (CPM) Center is a hub of learning, research, and practices about privacy management. The spokes of this hub reach out to researchers, students, teachers, and professionals interested in finding scientifically-based insights into how and why people make choices about communicatively managing privacy, disclosure, and confidentiality in their interactions with others.
Using the scientifically grounded Communication Privacy Management theoretical orientation (Petronio, 2002) this Center offers a unique approach to grasp motivations, goals, and outcomes of privacy management. The CPM Center utilizes the science of human communication to explore messages within the context of social media, family interactions, health communication, relational interactions, and organizational management of privacy information.
The CPM Center is geared to help people see that privacy is not dead or paradoxical. Users of this site can learn how to best shape and refine how they can take control over their private information, how they can lose control at times, and strategies to reclaim ownership.